Thursday, July 31, 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - The Ultimate Internet Marketing Strategy

. Thursday, July 31, 2008

Everybody is looking for the ultimate Internet marketing strategy...that one thing that is going to bring them tons of cash so that they can retire and head to the islands. Well, it's time for a reality check folks. The ultimate Internet marketing strategy hasn't been invented yet. When it is, I'll let you know. In the meantime, you're going to have to settle for some common sense advice and a few truths about advertising that you may or may not know.

Let's start with the truths first. No one form of advertising is going to reach everybody. Let's take Google, which is arguably the most popular search engine in the world. Did you know that Google only reaches about 50% of the Internet population? That's right. They don't reach everybody. So, if you relied on Google SOLELY for your promotion, you'd be leaving out half the world's population. And yet, so many people do nothing but use Adwords to promote their business. This is leaving a ton of money on the table.

Okay, so if there isn't one thing that is going to bring you in all the prospects and paying customers that you could possibly want, what's the solution? The solution is relatively simple. You need to make use of several of the most effective methods of advertising that exist online. The question is, what are they? Does anybody really know what the best ways to promote are? Well, this is open for debate, but if you ask the experts, of which I consider myself one, they'll tell you that article marketing, pay per click and forum participation are pretty much at the top of the list.

Now, if you want to learn more about these three things, that's beyond the scope of this article. But I can absolutely assure you that by just using these three methods of promotion, you'll have more traffic and make more money than you'll know what to do with. I make a nice six figure income without having to kill myself to do it, and I don't use a ton of promotion to do it either. And most of what I use is free. No, you don't have to spend a lot of money to be successful.

In my signature, you can learn more about article writing, pay per click, forum participation and other methods of promotion that help me earn over six figures every year.

To YOUR Success,


Internet Marketing said...

We need to reach millions of customers each day and internet marketing is the best way to make this happen. Internet Marketing not only drives traffic to our site and increases our revenues, but what is important, is to share to people that we have great services that they can use or tools that can help improve themselves and their lives.

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